
Chin Enhancement Surgery for a More Defined Contour

Chin enhancement surgery, also known as Chin augmentation involves using a chin implant to improve the chin, jawline, and neck contours.

A well-defined jawline is one of the main structures that is needed to balance the facial features. However, not everyone has a well-defined jawline. Some individuals have a weak or recessed chin and their features may look less proportionate. A Chin Implant surgery in Dubai can add strength to a weak or recessed chin resulting in facial harmony and making the individual feel more confident in his/her appearance.

Chin enhancement surgery can do the following: 

  • Improve jawline and neck definition
  • Brings the chin into better proportion with other facial features
  • Minimize the appearance of a double chin caused by a small chin bone

What is a Chin Implant?

Chin Implants are safe, small, solid devices made from a biocompatible material which is usually silicone. They are molded to fit an individual’s chin bone or facial structure and they come in various shapes and sizes. Your Plastic Surgeon will help you in choosing an implant that will provide the most natural results.

Preparing for Chin Enhancement Surgery

Preparing for Chin Enhancement Surgery starts with meeting a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon that is an expert in the procedure. During the consultation, the Plastic Surgeon will assess your medical history, he/she will then study your facial features and chin before taking photographs of the same area. They will take you through the potential risks, especially those associated with conditions such as high blood pressure, smoking, a tendency to scar, and any deficiency in blood clotting. Your Plastic Surgeon will also take you through the type of technique that will help you achieve your desired results and the type of anesthesia to be used. He/she will also inform you where the surgery will take place and recommend any additional procedures to optimize the results.

Chin Enhancement Procedure

Chin Implant surgery takes less than an hour when it is been done alone.
Once the individual is under anesthesia the Plastic Surgeon makes an incision inside the mouth where the gum and lower lip meet or in the natural crease line just under the person's chin. He/she then stretches this tissue, creating a space where the implant will be inserted. After the implantation, the incision is closed with sutures. The scar is usually imperceptible if the incision is made under the chin. If it is inside the mouth, the scarring is not visible.

Recovery & Results

After the surgery, a dressing will be applied to the treatment area and will remain there for about two to three days. There will be some tenderness and swelling but medication will be prescribed to help with the post-operative discomfort. There will also be a stretched tight sensation, but this subsides within a week. Due to the nature of the surgery chewing is expected to be limited for a couple of days hence the individual will be on a liquid and soft food diet after the procedure. Strenuous activities should be avoided for a few weeks after the surgery but the individual can resume other normal activities after about ten days.The swelling will go down gradually and after six weeks the results of the procedure will be visible.

To Know More

Would you like to understand what options are available for Aesthetic Surgery in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.